Tuesday, February 26, 2008

One more semi geeky post

I been thinking since that last post that its pretty disturbing that the US owns the root servers for the Internet. That means if we decided to be a big bully, we could pull the plug on the whole Internet. Well at least render it useless to non-nerds. Maybe that would be a good thing. Just kidding about that.


The US refused to give up control of the root servers.


ICANN is the company for a better word that assigns domain names. Though it is somewhat international guess where its headquartered. Marina Del Rey, CA


Just one more thing that can be used against any country that would dare to piss off the Bush Administration.


The other piece of the Youtube things is how it was worked around. The workaround was to block Pakistan from the Internet. Now nobody should have that kind of power. But if the root servers and the organization who decides which domain names can be used are American, well I guess we can cut off the net to anyone we damn well please. Also its impossible to register a domain on planet earth without supporting a US corporation.


He who controls the spice, controls the universe.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well, we did invent the spice.

(Now I'm jonesin' to watch that movie again. The original one, not the crappy one.)