Friday, February 15, 2008

I will vote for Obama Because....

I plan to vote for Barack Obama in the Oregon primary (which is too late to mean much) and the general election is he should win the nomination because:


1)       He is not a member of the Bush family

2)       He is not a member of the Clinton family

3)       He didn’t vote for or against real ID

4)       He didn’t vote for or against much (its hard to hate someone with no opinion)

5)       Did I mention he is not a Bush or a Clinton

6)       He is not going to try and shove mandated health ins down our throats and call it universal health care

7)       He is not John McCain


Ok, so there you have it, I am going to vote for Obama for who he is NOT rather than who he is.



Someone suggested Elmo. I would support Elmo but I don’t think he has raised enough campaign money to be a viable candidate. Perhaps in 2012. Maybe Cookie Monster or Oscar could be his running mate


I sure hope Kucinich gives it another go and people take him seriously next time.


I don’t expect much from Obama but he is better than the alternative. He has become NONE OF THE ABOVE


Nina said...

just remember, though, that he has cheney blood in him...

i understand your logic. better than billary and mccan't.

nina (rabid elmo supporter)

tkn said...

what if Nader runs?

Spiritbear said...

That depends about Nader. Of course I would endorse him over Obama but if its a close race and voting for Nader could result in McCain winning, I will stick with Obama.

The jury is out on what I will do if Hillary gets the nomination. I am torn between Pedro and Elmo right now.

tkn said...

At this point it doesn't seem like Hillary is going to win.

Yeah, I'm still torn about Nader too. Not because his ideas and issues aren't important and great, just that I know that an Obama administration would be a (baby) step in the right direction, whereas of course, a Nader administration would be a huge leap. The question is, can we really expect society to make that kind of change so quickly (ala Nader)? Or is Obama a good and decent step towards something better.

I'm convinced that even a Hillary administration would be at least 100x better than Bush II.

Then again, there's that whole voting your conscience thing and whatnot...

In the meantime, I'm still a registered Green so whether I'll vote in the primary is still up in the air.