Sunday, January 07, 2007

Church Review

Ok. We went today. Here were my observations of Church on the Hill in Salem.

1) The music was rockin and awesome.

2) The demographic was much younger than many Churches. I think the loud rockin music scares the old people away. For me right now with what I am going through at work, that is a good thing.

3) The message was meaningful but not real deep

4) The people were not mean but not overly touchy feely

5) I felt better going in than out but didnt get overwhelmed with God and have a life changing experience. More like small bites of the word, not big meals

6) The offering was low-key. They talked about not loving money. Not a word about tithing.

7) They seem to have a lot of ministries but not enough info on how to get involved with them.

Overall I think this Church is a good place for us now since I am struggling. It seems postmodernish yet not too out there.


WhiteWolf28 said...

The church rocked!!! I loved the church. I believe that church is a good place to go because you realize that you need to spend time with God not only on Sundays, but also on other days. I didn't go to church for awhile, and I realized something. I realized that when I didn't go, I was dead (not falling away or anything). I wasn't spending time with God. My life was empty. However, going to this church, has made me realize that I should spend time with Him. This church helped me want to spend time with Him.

I also believe that even if people don't worship God during the week, but worships Him on Sunday is better than not worshipping Him at all, but still being a Christian. Do you know what I mean?

MJ said...

I am really glad for you both. I was going to ask. So thanks for putting that up there.