Wednesday, January 16, 2008


I saw a post on Senor Jefe’s blog about a book called Revolution by George Barna. It looks intriguing. I have seen other reviews of it.


Curious if anyone who reads my blog has read this book or has an opinion on it.


I am probably going to break down and order it and read it for myself but I thought I would throw that out there.


Ninjanun said...

Try checking it out at your local library first. I read it, and it was okay. I agreed with a lot of what it said, but I don't think it went far enough in addressing the problems of church. Also, the "introduction" was cheese-tastic evangeli-speak.

I passed it along to a friend, and she loved it. I don't regret *not* owning it, so I'd say, check the library first, or see if someone would be willing to loan it to you.

Unknown said...

I though it was a pretty apt assessment, but sort of resented Barna's attempts to coalesce all the "revolutionaries" into a quantified whole. The beauty of the revolution (if you can really call it that) is that it is far more grassroots and organic than Barna seems to grasp.

I don't think it will change your life, but I found it encouraging to see a lifelong evangelical honestly attempt to come to terms with this growing trend, even if his conclusions didn't quite ring true with me.