Friday, January 04, 2008

Does anyone care about Iowa

In the midwest lies a state I have driven across many times but really there is nothing there. That state is Iowa. The NE part has some nice scenery. Decorah is a nice little town. Near the river are some hills. The rest of the state is so flat it could make a pancake look mountanous. Des Moines is the only reminder you are in civilization. I actually contemplated moving to Des Moines once. I claim temporary insanity. Actually the area of the country that I spent more time in than any other is not far from Iowa. Its the SE corner of the state of Minnesota. Iowa was that weird place that Iwegians lived and they made people take back their cans for refunds (they do in Oregon too btw). Anyway, Iowa is neither overwhelmly liberal or conservative. Its overwhelmingly NOTHING. However recently Iowa is the center of the universe. Why because of a stupid caucus. Now Barack Obama and Mike Huckabee have risen from obscurity into celebrity status. Why because of corn? I think not. Because this country is all screwed up that a state like Iowa (sorry to any of my friends from Iowa I actually have a few read this) which is not much of anything can decide who the president will be. This is not an original idea. Crallspace talked about this on his blog a while back but it didnt strike me until yesterday.

So as for the results. I dont agree with Huckabee about much but he seems to be the most authentic of the republicans. Not that I plan to vote for him.

Obama is the lesser of three evils on the democrat side so I am marginally happy about the results. Its about as exciting as a drive down a country road in Iowa.

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