Thursday, September 13, 2007


I watched part of Sicko (the new Michael Moore movie) last night. I had to shut it off because I got so pissed off at the insurance companies.

Shouldnt I be more content to accept capitalism now that I am older and could benefit from it. Why do I become more and more outraged.

another thing is tonight I went to a dinner for the home care workers union (my wife is a home care worker for my mom of all people). They were all excited about how great their insurance is from Kaiser Permanente. Then the guy goes on to say he believes in affordable healthcare for all and that we need to elect people who will provide it. In another sentence he said Kaiser is good because they are pro union. Well they are still greedy pigs who let people die to increase their bottom line.

I think I need to get drunk and watch the rest of Sicko. I want to see him go to Cuba but I just couldnt deal with it anymore. I needed rest and sleep.

anyway my mindless rambling for tonight.

Hmmm. Thats waht blogs r for


Rock in the Grass (Pete Grassow) said...

Yes - it is difficult to sort the crap out from the genuine desire to benefit. And capitalist medicine is intended to be profitable... with caring as a by-product.

Recovering said...

Just make sure you watch whatever competing documentary comes out...then you can be pissed at insurance companies AND Michael Moore...

crallspace said...

Wow... you didn't get to the Cuba part yet?

Yes, the film is maddening.

And I have Kaiser- talk about a bottom of the barrel, well below average scam! I pay out $263 a month, and for what? Some jagoff "doctor" to tell me I'm too young to be worried any significant health problems.