Friday, November 03, 2006


Oh No. I cant believe this. I think there is a special place in Hell for the modern day pharisees. What the hell. I mean this guy was one of the religious rights spokesmen. a pious gaybashing conservative and hes out having gay sex and taking meth. Yeah sure he didnt use it. He just wanted to know what buying meth feels like. Yeah and Clinton didnt inhale. Sure.

I believe he could be forgiven, but he would have to be repentent. Not covering it up. If Christian leaders dont tar and feather this guy, they are giving the real Jesus another twist of the crown of thorns. I am so sick of these hypocrites ruining the faith I adhere to. This is stupid. How many people will walk away from Christianity because of this pharisee. I say, kick his ass out and publicly condemn him.

1 comment:

Spiritbear said...

I read this post and it bugged me. Yes I wrote it but now I would say forgive the guy. It may have been hypocritcal of him to do what he did but This post reeks of dogmatic judgmentalness. Amazing how I have changed in almost a year