I been exploring the Emergent Conversation on line and learned a lot about it. I find a lot of their ideas to be good. I question the financial avenues of Emergent as an organization and I think Brian McLaren gets a bit new agey at times, but I think their hearts are in the right place for the most part. I dont think they should be bashed by people like Ingrid at the Slice of Laodecia who impresses me as a dogmatic bible blasting fanatic who needs to chill
I also must say that I been reading up on Mars Hill and beware. Mark Driscoll is not Emergent. he is the founder of a very sexist and very conservative movement called Acts29. I am not condemning these people, but I must say that they embrace many of the values that Emergent people would loathe. I ran into a Church back in 2003 in Mount Vernon Washington called the Gathering. I got into a severe online argument with a few women who think women should submit and stay at home. Now I find out that Church was an Acts29 plant. It no longer exists. My only contact with them was online. I never went there. I think if the Emergent Church wants to make its mark, it needs to make sure not to fall into the false traditions of men regarding the role of women. Another thing about the Gathering I noticed is they were republicans.
Whatever label you bear, realize YOU ARE THE CHURCH if you are a Christ follower. You dont need to be part of Emergent, Acts29, or any orginization.
I am probably going to visit an Emergent Cohort in Salem to see what its like. That doesnt mean I am a follower of Tony Jones or Brian McLaren. I am a follower of Christ.
I think if I can find a Church that isnt really a Church, that can satisfy my wifes need to be in a Church while not making me want to puke with a big load of Churchianity.
We may end up goign to a real Church, but my heart is not in that decision.
The place I want to check out meets in a coffee house and its in Salem Oregon. http://www.emergenttvalley.blogspot.com
I will doc up my review of it. They dont meet until the 1st Thurs in Jan.
Regardless, I want to meet a group of Christians who will tolerate that I am Egalitarian (think women can do anything man can do), a free thinker, pacifist, and NOT A REPUBLICAN. Many issues I have no stance on because I am unlearning what I know and trying to see what is in the Bible.
I am a Christ Follower and a Christian, but I am not a Churchtian.
Peace and Love and God Bless You
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Happy Thanksgiving
Just wanted to wish all my readers (all 1 or 2 of you) a very Happy Thanksgiving. May you all be blessed and eat too much turkey. I know I did
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Dirty Little Secrets
Here I am at 11:00AM on a Sunday. I should be in Church, right? Well whatever. Anyway, I just watched a music video by a band called the All American Rejects. The song was called Dirty Little Secret. I dont make a habit of watching videos, they are hardly on anymore.
This video was interesting. While the band played the song, all kinds of people held up little handwritten cards exposing their dirty little secrets. One flashed by that said "I had gay sex at a church camp", Another said, "I only love two of my children" One said "I miss feeling close to God". Several were meaningful. Some were dumb, like "I pee in the sink" and "I like the smell of my own poop". Interesting enough, most of the people's faces were hidden.
What I took from this rather interesting video is a perspective. We are all hiding ourselves from others. This is probably most true in Churchianity. I think the band knows this when they made the reference to gay sex at a church camp.
Imagine for a minute that Ted Haggard was standing in front of his congregation or on national TV holding a sign that said "I had sex with a gay prostitute" or "I bought meth today" How many people would still follow him.
Jesus sees our secrets. We might as well walk into the Church with big signs plastered on our face. I think I will try it. I will try and think of a terrible fault of mine, put it on a shirt and walk into a Church and see what happens. Maybe I will not shower for a few days too and wear clothes with holes in them. Maybe I will guzzle a couple of 40s before I walk in. Point is, in the true Church, the guy who walks in with a sign in his hand that says "I am gay, I had an abortion, and I voted AGAINST BUSH" should be welcomed the same way, that the Rev Dr Richard Fuzzywinkle would be.
Wow this is scary, I got more out of a video by a secular band than I get out of some Church services.
This video was interesting. While the band played the song, all kinds of people held up little handwritten cards exposing their dirty little secrets. One flashed by that said "I had gay sex at a church camp", Another said, "I only love two of my children" One said "I miss feeling close to God". Several were meaningful. Some were dumb, like "I pee in the sink" and "I like the smell of my own poop". Interesting enough, most of the people's faces were hidden.
What I took from this rather interesting video is a perspective. We are all hiding ourselves from others. This is probably most true in Churchianity. I think the band knows this when they made the reference to gay sex at a church camp.
Imagine for a minute that Ted Haggard was standing in front of his congregation or on national TV holding a sign that said "I had sex with a gay prostitute" or "I bought meth today" How many people would still follow him.
Jesus sees our secrets. We might as well walk into the Church with big signs plastered on our face. I think I will try it. I will try and think of a terrible fault of mine, put it on a shirt and walk into a Church and see what happens. Maybe I will not shower for a few days too and wear clothes with holes in them. Maybe I will guzzle a couple of 40s before I walk in. Point is, in the true Church, the guy who walks in with a sign in his hand that says "I am gay, I had an abortion, and I voted AGAINST BUSH" should be welcomed the same way, that the Rev Dr Richard Fuzzywinkle would be.
Wow this is scary, I got more out of a video by a secular band than I get out of some Church services.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Another kind of divide
This is another thing I thought about on my way to work this morning. I was listening to an old Godscrum podcast. Zeke was interviewing a guy named Eric who is a gay Christian. I am not going to touch on the whole gay issue here. Just a reference point. They were discussing how outcast gays are in the Church. This made me think about something. In my Churchianity days, I was always disturbed by the attitude within the Church that inside are the "holy people" out outside are the "filthy sinners". People who visited the Church if they didnt come back must be "filthy sinners" and we needed to pray them back in. If you dont go to Church, you must be falling away. The guilt with that was always unbearable even though inside, I never bought into it.
People in Churches (or more accurately whatever service you happen to be at) are not the holy and everyone not there are not filthy sinners.
Truthfully we are all filthy sinners. We have all done bad things and sinned. I no longer believe in levels of sin (well for the most part). I also dont think the condemnation of those not in the building is healthy to anyone. It creates this dichotomy. The people in the Church are us and everyone else is them. God loves us all. In or out of the Church.
Not only is there a divide between the sacred and the secular in the sense of vocation, but there is an even bigger divide between those in the Church and those out of the Church.
I think the cardinal sins of Churchianity as it is are as follows:
Gay People having abortions
Not voting republican
Missing Church
Everything else is no big deal. After all. we are all sinners. Thats what Churchianity says when they sin. Its that do as a I say not as a I do.
F them all. Oh and God Bless everyone. No exceptions.
People in Churches (or more accurately whatever service you happen to be at) are not the holy and everyone not there are not filthy sinners.
Truthfully we are all filthy sinners. We have all done bad things and sinned. I no longer believe in levels of sin (well for the most part). I also dont think the condemnation of those not in the building is healthy to anyone. It creates this dichotomy. The people in the Church are us and everyone else is them. God loves us all. In or out of the Church.
Not only is there a divide between the sacred and the secular in the sense of vocation, but there is an even bigger divide between those in the Church and those out of the Church.
I think the cardinal sins of Churchianity as it is are as follows:
Gay People having abortions
Not voting republican
Missing Church
Everything else is no big deal. After all. we are all sinners. Thats what Churchianity says when they sin. Its that do as a I say not as a I do.
F them all. Oh and God Bless everyone. No exceptions.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
The Great Divide
I am well versed in the great divide between the sacred and the secular. Partially because from the time I was a small child, I was told by my mom and others that I had a "call of God" on my life. As a teenager, I was a fanatical bible thumping holy roller that thought everyone else was headed for hell. I was so spiritual. At least I thought I was, Yes I had a good walk with God but the benefits were offset by the strangeness of the Church I was in and the people I was around. My dream was to attend Jimmy Swaggart Bible College and become, well just like Jimmy Swaggart. Regardless, I drifted away from this and I guess I had my first Church detox back then. Part of it happend with JS found his hooker and I realized he wasnt the man I thought he was. I was a Christian but didnt go to Church anymore. I had problems and didnt act very Pious. I am not justifying some of what I did, but later, wow later did I get guilt tripped when I returned to the Church. They got my life back on track to being a good church boy.
During my unchurched days (first time around), I grew up and became a Computer Tech/IT person just like my dad. I became good at this and acquired a lot of experience in the field. Once I returned to Church, there was that "call of God" so I became obsessed with getting back on track to the ministry career that I once dreamed of. I started to feel like a total failure in life for being a good computer guy. I am more than a computer guy, but unless I could be "in the ministry" I was not worth much to God.
I went down this path by taking correspondence Bible classes and being a yes man to any ministry they wanted to throw my way. I became a leader of leaders in children/youth ministry. I was starting to bring them in. I taught Sunday school. My wife got involved in all kinds of ministry. We felt like we were "right with God" All I needed to do was be good at ministry get experience change careers and I would be a success. Then I could get away from my evil secular job and do what God wanted me to do full time.
Well we moved to Oregon in 2003. At that time, we left all that. Tried to make it happen here but it wasnt the same. I got very depressed and disillusioned.
Anyway, some of this you know from previous posts, but I am trying to tie it all together.
I have or am detoxing once again even though I will be forced to go through the empty motions of doing Church for my wifes sake. But now I realize, I am not a nobody just because I am not "in the ministry". God is using me right where I am. I can be more effective now that my mind is clearing up from Churchianity and realizing that a lot of it was lies.
The whole secular vs sacred thing is a lie thought up by people. I was reading a blog that has a bunch of Yaconelli's works on it and he said it so perfectly. Now I cant remember exactly what he said, so I wont try to quote, but it went to the heart.
All you people out there who are free thinking people who have a heart for people and want to really do what Jesus said are the real Church.
Screw the established Church. They can all F off. However, for some it is good. But Churchianity, you have harmed me in a way that only the true Christ can fix
During my unchurched days (first time around), I grew up and became a Computer Tech/IT person just like my dad. I became good at this and acquired a lot of experience in the field. Once I returned to Church, there was that "call of God" so I became obsessed with getting back on track to the ministry career that I once dreamed of. I started to feel like a total failure in life for being a good computer guy. I am more than a computer guy, but unless I could be "in the ministry" I was not worth much to God.
I went down this path by taking correspondence Bible classes and being a yes man to any ministry they wanted to throw my way. I became a leader of leaders in children/youth ministry. I was starting to bring them in. I taught Sunday school. My wife got involved in all kinds of ministry. We felt like we were "right with God" All I needed to do was be good at ministry get experience change careers and I would be a success. Then I could get away from my evil secular job and do what God wanted me to do full time.
Well we moved to Oregon in 2003. At that time, we left all that. Tried to make it happen here but it wasnt the same. I got very depressed and disillusioned.
Anyway, some of this you know from previous posts, but I am trying to tie it all together.
I have or am detoxing once again even though I will be forced to go through the empty motions of doing Church for my wifes sake. But now I realize, I am not a nobody just because I am not "in the ministry". God is using me right where I am. I can be more effective now that my mind is clearing up from Churchianity and realizing that a lot of it was lies.
The whole secular vs sacred thing is a lie thought up by people. I was reading a blog that has a bunch of Yaconelli's works on it and he said it so perfectly. Now I cant remember exactly what he said, so I wont try to quote, but it went to the heart.
All you people out there who are free thinking people who have a heart for people and want to really do what Jesus said are the real Church.
Screw the established Church. They can all F off. However, for some it is good. But Churchianity, you have harmed me in a way that only the true Christ can fix
Sunday, November 12, 2006
to church Again?
Well we went again. Now before you jump to conclusions that I am returning the world of churchianity, understand that my wife is about to attend a Christian college. this will require her to be part of a church. I am going kicking and screaming but we went to one this Sunday and I must say it wasnt too bad. I am willing to give it a chance, but that doesnt mean I am ready to suck the big nipple of Church forever. I have seen the light and can never return to what I was. Attending church doesnt mean I have to be churchianity. I am part of the true Church anyway. I will probably go to be alongside my wife and who knows, I may get some good stuff out of it, however, I will never again blindly follow a Pastor. Also I will NEVER be a republican again. Always a free thinker. If I had my way, I would not attend Church at all, but I guess I gotta make the best of it. I guess I am a wuss in the eyes of some. If it affects me, I will detox once again
Thursday, November 09, 2006
I am both elated and sickened by the election results. As a recovering rebublican, I understand the level of mind control and deception that takes place in the world of Churchianity to be a repiblican. To the point that to be anything else means you are heading for H-E- double hockey sticks.
My views on the war and the rupublicans have changed completely since 2004, so I am glad to see that change is in the air.
The disturbing thing is how trendy it is to not like the reepublickins and to be antiwar. I started to go this way, but because I see how anti God moneygrubbing and warmongering is. I think the reason the Democraps took over is not because of this, but because its trendy now.
I am also sickened by how fast people in this country will turn on what they love whether right or wrong because people tell them too. We live in a country of lemmings controlled by Hollywood and prominient Evangelicals. Free thinking is not allowed most of the time.
Oh and yes, I misspelled republican and democrat on purpose. Well I did it by accident the 1st time but thought it was cool so I kept on doing it.
My views on the war and the rupublicans have changed completely since 2004, so I am glad to see that change is in the air.
The disturbing thing is how trendy it is to not like the reepublickins and to be antiwar. I started to go this way, but because I see how anti God moneygrubbing and warmongering is. I think the reason the Democraps took over is not because of this, but because its trendy now.
I am also sickened by how fast people in this country will turn on what they love whether right or wrong because people tell them too. We live in a country of lemmings controlled by Hollywood and prominient Evangelicals. Free thinking is not allowed most of the time.
Oh and yes, I misspelled republican and democrat on purpose. Well I did it by accident the 1st time but thought it was cool so I kept on doing it.
Haggard again
OK. Now Haggard admits he is a liar and a deceiver and has stepped down. If this is from the heart, then this is the first step in his repentance and restoration.
I guess the Christians of the world can go light on the tar and feathers now. Though I still think Haggard being a deceiver and a liar hurt Christianity more than most will ever know. Though that is forgivable and if he is repentent in his heart, God will forgive. That doesnt mean he should be restored to his authority. The dude did a bad bad thing
I guess the Christians of the world can go light on the tar and feathers now. Though I still think Haggard being a deceiver and a liar hurt Christianity more than most will ever know. Though that is forgivable and if he is repentent in his heart, God will forgive. That doesnt mean he should be restored to his authority. The dude did a bad bad thing
Haggard again
OK. Now Haggard admits he is a liar and a deceiver and has stepped down. If this is from the heart, then this is the first step in his repentance and restoration.
I guess the Christians of the world can go light on the tar and feathers now. Though I still think Haggard being a deceiver and a liar hurt Christianity more than most will ever know. Though that is forgivable and if he is repentent in his heart, God will forgive. That doesnt mean he should be restored to his authority. The dude did a bad bad thing
I guess the Christians of the world can go light on the tar and feathers now. Though I still think Haggard being a deceiver and a liar hurt Christianity more than most will ever know. Though that is forgivable and if he is repentent in his heart, God will forgive. That doesnt mean he should be restored to his authority. The dude did a bad bad thing
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
I know I am jumping the gun here because its only preliminary results but I dont get it. Why in a state that is liberal would the people overwhelmingly defeat measure 42. Measure 42 was a measure to ban the use of credit reports to determine insurance rates. The people opposing it were spending lots of money to oppose it and they were the greedy insurance companies. Big business. How much more freaking republican can you get.
this is a state that has legalized medical marijuana, doctor assisted suicide and is voting no for parentaly notifications for abortion. I am not making statements on these issues except that these are traditional democrat/liberal views.
This measure 42 thing just proves that people are idiots and will vote however their TV tells them to
this is a state that has legalized medical marijuana, doctor assisted suicide and is voting no for parentaly notifications for abortion. I am not making statements on these issues except that these are traditional democrat/liberal views.
This measure 42 thing just proves that people are idiots and will vote however their TV tells them to
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Train Wreck


This post relates to an issue that happend this morning. I was rudely awakened by a call from my mother who lives about a mile from me. Her house is next to a train track and apparently a train derailed practically in her front yard. Some of you may say so what but I gotta say that I believe God was looking out for her. It did not hit her house. She lost electricity and was a bit shaken up, but thats it. The Albany police were really mean and wouldnt let me get to her house which really pissed me off. but the firemen were nice so I am over it. Here are some pictures of the train wreck and a link to the story. It may not be a big deal to anyone else, but its probably the biggest thing thats happend to this family for a while. I feel bad for the people across the street. It hit their house and crushed their minivan but Thank God (and I really mean that) nobody was hurt. Not even the people on the train.
Here is a link to the story on Northwest Cable News web site
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Friday, November 03, 2006
Oh No. I cant believe this. I think there is a special place in Hell for the modern day pharisees. What the hell. I mean this guy was one of the religious rights spokesmen. a pious gaybashing conservative and hes out having gay sex and taking meth. Yeah sure he didnt use it. He just wanted to know what buying meth feels like. Yeah and Clinton didnt inhale. Sure.
I believe he could be forgiven, but he would have to be repentent. Not covering it up. If Christian leaders dont tar and feather this guy, they are giving the real Jesus another twist of the crown of thorns. I am so sick of these hypocrites ruining the faith I adhere to. This is stupid. How many people will walk away from Christianity because of this pharisee. I say, kick his ass out and publicly condemn him.
I believe he could be forgiven, but he would have to be repentent. Not covering it up. If Christian leaders dont tar and feather this guy, they are giving the real Jesus another twist of the crown of thorns. I am so sick of these hypocrites ruining the faith I adhere to. This is stupid. How many people will walk away from Christianity because of this pharisee. I say, kick his ass out and publicly condemn him.
If you look up Wikipedia's definition of truth it says "Common dictionary definitions of truth mention some form of accord with fact or reality. There is, however, no single definition of truth about which scholars agree, and numerous theories of truth continue to be widely debated. Differing opinions exist on such questions as what constitutes truth, how to define and identify truth, what roles do revealed and acquired knowledge play, and whether truth is subjective, relative, objective, or absolute. This article introduces the various perspectives and claims."
In this day and age, I guess I would expect no better. People dont know what is true or even what truth is. People invent what is true to them. I am a GenXer and I am influenced by postmodern thought. This has messed with my theology in a bad way, however, I believe that what I believe to be true is truth. If nothing is true, how we do know we are even really here. People can debate on whether the Bible is true. I am not going to waste my time. I choose to believe it is. I also believe it must be interpreted correctly. (whole other discussion). In a world that doesnt believe in truth, how can one find peace and hope. How can one know that what they believe is right. This defies logic and goes to what I call a self evident truth.
A self evident truth is one that is so obvious only a fool would doubt it. You are alive, I hope that is self evident. Nature is real (though some people believe its not). I guess what I am trying to do here is not tell you what is true, but encourage you to search your heart to see what truths are self evident in your mind. Then you will at least know what truth is. Then we can argue/debate over opinions.
If truth is relative, how do I know I am really here?
In this day and age, I guess I would expect no better. People dont know what is true or even what truth is. People invent what is true to them. I am a GenXer and I am influenced by postmodern thought. This has messed with my theology in a bad way, however, I believe that what I believe to be true is truth. If nothing is true, how we do know we are even really here. People can debate on whether the Bible is true. I am not going to waste my time. I choose to believe it is. I also believe it must be interpreted correctly. (whole other discussion). In a world that doesnt believe in truth, how can one find peace and hope. How can one know that what they believe is right. This defies logic and goes to what I call a self evident truth.
A self evident truth is one that is so obvious only a fool would doubt it. You are alive, I hope that is self evident. Nature is real (though some people believe its not). I guess what I am trying to do here is not tell you what is true, but encourage you to search your heart to see what truths are self evident in your mind. Then you will at least know what truth is. Then we can argue/debate over opinions.
If truth is relative, how do I know I am really here?
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
WooHoo We now have a Podcast. Here is the feed for it. http://feeds.feedburner.com/spiritbear/truth4dummies
Plop it into Juice or your favorite Podcast receiver and listen.
Its gonna be something. Not sure what, but something
Plop it into Juice or your favorite Podcast receiver and listen.
Its gonna be something. Not sure what, but something
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