Sunday, April 22, 2007

I too am a victim. Long live the gods of consumerism

OK. The title is total sarcasm. My specialty. I was reading about all the hype about bottled water and it dawned on me that we are all just dollar signs to the corporate execs. The gods of capitalism. The almighty dollar is their god. They will do anything. Burn the rainforest. Kill, have wars, destroy all to line their pockets. What they dont realize is when they get old and are dying, they wont be any better off than anyone. Just like the mannequins, I dont envy these people either.

I never realized how much of my thinking was shaped by them. What car to drive. What cell phone to have. What other piece of made in China crap I need. What chicken I eat. Well I am sick of it. No I am not gonna go off and grow my own food. Mainly because I wouldnt have a clue how to. As a product of consumerism, I like many lack basic skills needed to survive without an endless sea of "products" which are made to make money and nothing else.

I am however going to be more selective about companies I do business with for example, I now only drink Earth2o water. Because it has been proven legit to me. Also though I love the finger lickin good taste of the Colonel's chicken, I cannot in good conscience support a company that burns rainforest to make land to grow the chickens they so cruelly torture to death. I guess Pizza Hut is out too since they are owned by the same company. I know I know I canot take this too far. But would Jesus eat tortured chicken? Would he drink water contaminated with bromide? Would he drive a Tahoe? I think not.


MJ said...

I'm sorry SB, as much as I admire the desire of your heart to live with integrity with regards to these matters...the amount of effort it takes to research and think abou tall these things weighed against the impact you are going to have...i think your energy would be better spent lovign ohers as yourself and trying to avoid being overtly destructive...what you are trying to address here (consumerism) is a giant beast and what your method of attack here is , imo, hurling a toothpick at him. If you want to talk stewardship, a better use of time and energy is spent caring for people, Because as much as we should respect what God has created, what you are proposing is a full time job.
Understand I don't disagree with you about consumerism, I would just ask you to consider the danger of making that a focus...because our call is to make love of others our focus and that involves getting your hands in the dirt and nastiness of other people and allowing them really really into your heart. All the other stuff is chaff.

tkn said...

hey spiritbear,

i noticed you linked to my blog...thanks!

i kind of agree with mj, (don't want to get too caught up in being a holy consumer) though i also believe that tiny, microscopic actions can add up collectively to make a difference. for example, look at the organic food market these days. heck even a few years ago when i started trying to buy more organic food, it seemed like a drop in the bucket as far as changing the world, but look at it now, even wal-mart is on the bandwagon! of course now we have the issue of watered down standards and other such things, but i think overall the trend is encouraging.

btw, have you heard about byron katie and "the work"? i just heard about it through the unity church, briefly browsed the webpage ( and thought it looks interesting.

Rock in the Grass (Pete Grassow) said...

Hey - you go bro'. Keep reading, and never become comfortable with a culture that encourages us to consume as a pathway to happiness!