Saturday, November 10, 2012

Elections and Such

Obama has not lived up to all my expectations and I was upset that he approved mandatory health insurance calling it health care. I have a little change of heart on that issue in that I think the mandate should have been struck down but we I would not have killed the whole law as there is much good in it. We need single payer though and we do not have health care until we get it. Anyway, I am pleased Obama was re-elected. Mostly because Paul Ryan would have been a big step in the wrong direction for the country and might well cause much suffering. My only fear is Ryan will rear his head in 2016 so the dems better find someone good between now and then to prevent him from winning. Romney is a do nothing and would have been a do nothing president. Oregon rejected Marijuana which surprises me. I guess Washington is truly more liberal than Oregon. Many less known ballot measures passed. Dave Reichert won another term which was a bit disappointing but you cant have it all. Though I live in a supposedly conservative part of the state now, it seems to be that it is somewhat moderate and people are very live and let live. Funny that when I was in liberal land I shut down the blog and was much more closeted in my political beliefs and now in conservative small town land, I am openly more liberal. I just dont care anymore. Like me for who I am or do not like me. I am very concerned about how divided America is and how dogmatic many are. I think we need to become a more live and let live nation. We need to stand up for the rights of people we do not agree with.

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