Monday, December 17, 2007

A Spiritual Diet of Christmas Cookies and Candy

OK. So a lot of people believe that Christmas is all about Christ and would fight a war to keep him in it. Here is what I never got and was deeply disturbed by this Sunday. I went to Church this week. I hadnt gone for a few months on Sunday AM.

Here is what I saw

1) Shortened worship. On the dull side
2) A generic invitation to accept Christ that would mean nothing to someone who doesnt already know him.
3) 40 minutes of the worst kids performance EVER. These kids sounded awful. Sure it was cute I guess if it was your kid. Maybe 10 minutes of it I could see but 40 minutes of the Barney on Crack Christmas album sung by little rugrats. They had one little number where a kid of about 5 was dressed as a marine and bowed down to a baby doll. I guess that was supposed to be Jesus. Hell if I dont get it, how can it be evangelism. I am experienced in the Churchianity subculture.

4) 10 minutes of dull Christianity lite preaching and wishing everyone a merry Christmas

If this is supposed to be a time of profound truth and supernatural events, why do those who are supposed to be feeding people spiritually feed them spiritual junk food.

I am NOT GOING BACK UNTIL AFTER THE FIRST OF THE YEAR. I would like to not go back at all but I have to.

So people whine about putting Christ back in Christmas (which he was never in to begin with) and all this other crap.

The Christ I see in Churches (many of them) at this time of year is more like Santa Claus than the Jesus I read about in the Bible


Rock in the Grass (Pete Grassow) said...

Yup - we do water down our faith to a place of mediocrity. May your spirit retain it sharp edge.

Unknown said...

I'm thinking about my own experience of discomfort/annoyance/anger in church. Do you think that a lot of your ire stems from your expectation that a Sunday service should be something more than what it is? I think that was the key to my contempt. Once I came to the place where I stopped demanding so much of organized Christianity, much of my anger subsided.

I've started going back. I enjoy the friendships and the interaction, but I don't really consider all the proceedings to be relevant. I mean, I can hear a good sermon any day of the week on the radio or internet. And I prefer to pick up my guitar or put on a CD in the luxury of solitude and sing before the Lord without having to wonder if someone else is watching me. So I go to church services as a point of contact with people I care about, but not much else. Wait, that's not true. They do have a very good and growing ministry to the (very) poor, so I support that with great enthusiasm (as opposed to my opinion of the live-drive thru Nativity spectacle).

My dad used to tell me that you eat the meat, and spit out the bones. No person or group is going to do everything in a manner that will please you. As I learn to pay attention to what matters, and ignore the stupidity (to the degree that I am able), I find myself in a much more peaceful place.

I hope you and yours have a merry Christmas, Bill.

Ninjanun said...

My dad used to tell me that you eat the meat, and spit out the bones. No person or group is going to do everything in a manner that will please you. As I learn to pay attention to what matters, and ignore the stupidity (to the degree that I am able), I find myself in a much more peaceful place.

And *that's* why I've stopped going to church altogether (okay, one of the reasons, as you know). Life is too short to be spending a voluntary hour-and-a-half on Sunday morning (having to get up early, dress presentably, drive 30 minutes, etc.) for maybe 15 minutes of "true fellowship" before and after the service. The rest of that time, as you noted, is spend
1) singing sappy songs
2) listening to sappy/crappy/poorly researched and delivered sermon--usually with shoddy or embarrassingly bad power point (this took up the majority of the time at most churches I've attended/been involved with)
3)listening to announcements for country-clubesque events mislabeled as "ministry"

No thanks. Even the fellowship at these churches was starting to get manufactured, and there was no time to just hang out and get to know people b/c there was always an "agenda" and a pre-defined set of topics that could be discussed. I'd rather have those people over for pizza and beer and *really* get to know them. Sure, I'm not necessarily seeing them every week, but the time spent with them now has helped me really get to know them and love them for who they *are*, not for the creed they adhere to.

um. Take that as you will. I guess I kinda got off-topic. Now excuse me, I feel a blog post coming on....

Spiritbear said...

OK so perhaps Church is always sappy and watered down. I guess what really rubbed me the wrong way is during my days as a good churchgoer it was always crammed down our throats that Easter and Christmas is when those "sinners" come to church and we need to bring them in. If that is true than shouldnt there be at least some substance to the service.

I dont expect to be fed by Church but come on. I expected more even from Church.

My main point wasnt that Church ever feeds you but rather that its even more watered down and sickenly sweet at this time of year. If its really about outreach like they say at this time of year then at least once a year do something right.

Hopefully that made some sense

Nina said...

Maybe the problem is the leadership. Church isn't really a democracy. Maybe it could be. Maybe it needs to be. The people get what they want out of it instead of the church dictating what the people will hear and see.

Julee Ann said...

Hi, just checking my sitemeter and found you! Been reading and connecting with almost all you say! (and your commenters, as well)
I'm returning the sidebar compliment.
Nice to meet y'all.