Thursday, November 01, 2007


I have come to the conclusion that part of my depression is that I am expecting too much. I became depressed because I cannot find the Perfect Church like I posted about earlier. I became depressed because the democrats are more like "republocrats" and are corporate fakes too. I became depressed because I want to change the world and feel like as one person said like I am hurling toothpicks at a monster. I became depressed because my new job though much better than my last is still at a for-profit corporation and the bottom line is all that matters. They will do the same evil things other corps do.

I cannot look at things like this anymore. I will get severely depressed. Perhaps the problem is I expect perfection or better yet demand it. Maybe I should look at the good things and try to do my part to change what I can. I dont want to say I cant do anything so I will just be ignorant and content. There has to be some middle ground.

I hope though it may not happen to go to the Metolius river in Central Oregon and try to get some peace and perspective.

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