Friday, November 02, 2007

Election Rambling

So all I hear about on progressive radio and NPR is election election election. Keep in mind the election is a year away.

Anyway a few things. I am tired of voting for Tweedledum or Tweedledee. The lesser of two evils. Vote for this one cause that ones worse.

I listened to James Dobson today (quite by accident). I cannot stand him but I admire the fact that he is so firm in what he believes that he is actually encouraging the religious right to vote for a third party if Rotten Rudy or any other pro-choice candidate gets the nomination for the GOP. I dont agree with him on much but this guy has the balls to say the lesser of two evils is not good enough.

Also Dobson may fracture the GOP which would cause a democrat to win and I like that. Well maybe

Personally I think many progressives are ready to nominate Hillary just because they feel she can win the election against Rotten Rudy or Mitt the Mormon. I think Hillary says some good things but her plan for health care is abysmal. She is a corporatist republocrat. We deserve better. So I urge you:

Register democrat if you live in a closed primary state like Oregon. Vote for who you think would be the best president, not who you think can win. I am voting for Kucinich.

I am a registered Green but I am going to re register as a dem so I can vote for Kucinich in the primary. Then I will register Green again.

This lesser of two evils mentality is ruining our country. If Hillary wins then we will have two families having controlled the white house for over 20 years. How is that a reflection of the American people.

Way to go Dobson. You have fractured the GOP. Now maybe someone other than Hillary can win so now progressives, do something. Dont put up with th lesser of two evils. The lesser of two evils is still evil.

Now as far as Obama. I think he would be better than Hillary just for the sheer fact that he is not a Clinton or a Bush. I dont trust him either. He seems to be mroe of a corporatist than a real person.

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