Tuesday, January 20, 2009

What the hell is wrong with being an introvert?

OK. I am getting internally fed up. I tend to say nothing and let it boil over. I am an introvert. I am not a shy person. I like getting together with friends and small groups (preferably of other Introverts) and talking about meaningful things. I love reading and blogging. I detest small talk. . I enjoy stimulating conversation but find many extroverts to be fake and boring. Churches value extroverts and try to force introverts to be more outgoing. Lets force people who are drained by people to be more social. Funny as it seems, I love one on one counseling and talking to groups. I think I could be a pastor if I wanted to. I just couldnt handle the small talk.

People get over it... I dont want to be an extrovert. I find parties exhausting (especially around the Holidays) I feel like I need to be medicated to make small talk with people. Yet I can meet up with one or two people and feel like we have been friends for years. That is just the way Introverts are.

Some think I lack confidence and I started to believe it but I dont. I am good at what I do and I know it. I am not arrogant but just because I want to get to the point and get it done without talking about your fscking grandkids doest make me shy. Just focused.

Anyway, to any who have met me in person, if I came off a shy, that was probably just my introversion. I sure dont have a problem saying what I think on a blog or even at open forum. I just dont want to have to put up with extroverts getting inside my head and sapping me of all my energy. Then I would need three days in the woods to recharge. I am a like a bear, If you try to bug me, I will avoid you. If you get in my face, I will growl. If you threaten me or my family, I just might have you for lunch but I would prefer to LEFT ALONE when I am feeling introspective.

Anybody else alive out there who this makes since to.


Nina said...

i'm much the same way. i don't like parties, but if i am around a crowd, i'm usually off to the side with 1-3 people. i tend to get overwhelmed with too much light, too much noise and any type of conversation where the person talks endlessly w/o taking a break. and yeah--i don't like small talk either. i can do it because i was very much conditioned to, but inside i am screaming MAKE IT STOP. such talk wears me out. however, talking about things i find meaningful charges my internal battery.

and i also need a lot of down time--quiet time. just me and my thoughts. if i don't get that i become cranky. very cranky.

i have a book called the highly sensitive person. i think it's also helpful for introverts as well as the two quite often go hand-in-hand.

hope life's well for you and your wife up north.

Rock in the Grass (Pete Grassow) said...

celebrate the fact that we are all uniquely different - and resist people who try to make us all the same.

Juliette B. said...

Makes sense to me! :)
